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Top 5 Condom Manufacturing Listed Companies in India

Asian is the world's center for production, esp the latex production. Certainly, here are five notable condom manufacturing companies in India, along with their establishment details, history, product offerings, and websites, each companies has their own advantages, let's cooperate together to make a progress in the condom project:

  1. 1 HLL Lifecare Limited

    • Establishment: 1966

    • History: HLL was established with the objective of providing quality condoms for India's National Family Planning Programme. Over the decades, it has evolved from a condom company to a comprehensive healthcare delivery organization.

    • Products: HLL offers a range of contraceptive products, including male and female condoms, contraceptive pills, and other healthcare products.

    • Website: https://www.lifecarehll.com/

  2. 2 TTK Healthcare Limited

    • Establishment: 1963

    • History: TTK began its journey in the condom business by importing and distributing condoms in 1950. In 1963, it established the first condom manufacturing factory in India.

    • Products: TTK offers a variety of condoms under the "Skore" brand, known for their innovative designs and features.

    • Website: https://ttkhealthcare.com/

  3. 3 Cupid Limited

    • Establishment: 1993

    • History: Incorporated as a public limited company, Cupid Limited is a leading manufacturer and supplier of male and female condoms, water-based lubricant jelly, and IVD kits.

    • Products: Cupid specializes in male and female condoms, offering various types and sizes to cater to diverse needs.

    • Website: https://www.cupidlimited.com/

  4. 4 Convex Latex Private Limited

    • Establishment: 2005

    • History: Part of the Convex Group, Convex Latex has become one of India's largest manufacturers of natural rubber latex condoms, with a production capacity of 350 million pieces per year.

    • Products: The company produces smooth and textured condoms in various colors and flavors.

    • Website: https://convexgroups.com/convex-latex/

  5. 5 Reckitt Benckiser (India) Ltd.

    • Establishment: 1999 (India operations)

    • History: A global leader in health and hygiene products, Reckitt Benckiser markets the "Durex" brand of condoms in India. The company has been focusing on expanding its reach to women and rural consumers in the country.

    • Products: Durex offers a wide range of condoms with various features, including ultra-thin, extra-lubricated, and flavored variants.

    • Website: https://www.durexindia.com

These condom companies have significantly contributed to the contraceptive industry in India, offering a variety of products to meet diverse consumer needs. They also exported into the global market and join the international tenders at each countries.

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